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Mumble Tutorial - Using an Avatar and Overlay

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Mumble Tutorials:

Connecting to the Server | Creating a Private Room | Sending Images

Using an Avatar and Overlay | Hide OS Information | Additional Audio Configuraiton

Mumble Tutorials (Mobile):

Connecting to the Server on Android | Connecting to the Server on iOS

This is completely broken for GNU/Linux systems!
With the overlay enabled on GNU/Linux it will either crash the game or not work.

1. Click Configure on the toolbar and then Settings...

2. Then click the overlay section and check off Enable Overlay.

3. Then back on the main screen, click Self on the toolbar and then Register...

4. Once done registering, click Self on the toolbar and then Change avatar...
Now when you open up a game you should see the Mumble overlay.
Just remember you must open Mumble first and then the game or else the overlay won't load!

Sven Co-op with Mumble Overlay